Tag: UK

18 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: June 2018

39,000 tech workers in the north east

This e-mail and its attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.

Published: November 2016

sources of IT Careers information for young people

W: www.techfuturecareers.com National Careers Service Information, advice and guidance about careers W: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx T: 0800 100 900 Ladies who Code Groups of women who meet up monthly to talk about coding W: http://www.ladieswhocode.com/ Women in Technology A job board advertising vacancies in companies committed to increasing the number of female technologists working for them W: http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/ Pyladies International mentoring group of women who use the Python programming language W: http://www.pyladies.com/ Sunderland Software City Support and advice to aspiring and established software businesses in the North East of England – including a jobs board W: http://www.sunderlandsoftwarecity.com/ Coders Academy Social enterprise aiming to find and train developers in the North East W: http://thecodersacademy.com/ Girls who Code Organisation providing computer science education to young women W: http://www.girlswhocode.com/about-us/ e-skills Sector Skills Council for ICT in the UK W: http://www.e-skills.com/ T: 0207 963 8920 The National Skills Academy for IT Employer led organisation promoting excellence in IT learning and development W: www.itskillsacademy.ac.uk BCS The Chartered Institute for IT W: http://www.bcs.org/ Skills Framework for the Information Age Defining a common language for IT skills and competencies W: http://www.sfia-online.org/ Microsoft Learning Computer training for Microsoft products and technologies W: www.microsoft.com/learning GO ON you can do IT An e-skills initiative to assess your current online skills and access learning materials W: http://go-onyoucandoit.co.uk/ Digital Union A digital and creative commercial network of businesses throughout the North East, including a job search section W: http://digiunion.co.uk/ Digital Skills.com A space for asking questions about ICT, and sharing resources, events and more W: http://digitalskills.com/ Big Ambition Raising the profile of IT as a career choice (e-skills) W: www.bigambition.co.uk Cyber Security Challenge UK Ltd Learn more about jobs in Cyber Security W: https://cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk/careers-faqs.php Institution of Analysis and Programmers (IAP) Professional body, useful careers information section W: www.iap.org.uk T: 020 8567 2118 Jobsites http://www.itjobswatch.co.uk/ http://www.computerweekly.com/ http://www.computing.co.uk/ http://www.bcsrecruit.com/ http://www.theitjobboard.co.uk/ http://www.cwjobs.co.uk/ http://www.sharperecruitment.co.uk/ http://www.telecomsjobsource.co.uk/

Published: April 2016

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud"

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud" Privacy Europe Guide: www.privacy-europe.com ICO guide to preparing for the GDPR...

Published: January 2015

IT skills in the North East

January 2015 update on Dynamo Noth East's skills workstream. see also http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/press-information/press-releases/uks-first-apprentice-hub-set-tackle-skills-gap-north-east/?

Published: April 2014

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Published: July 2010

pioneering North East smartcard research supporting disabled users makes it to International Standard

The standard is based upon research led by North East partners in the DISTINCT project (the DISTINCT ID)which was formally standardised as the eURIby theEuropean standards body CEN-ISSS and adopted in part by such schemes as ITSO (the UK’s interoperable transport smartcard organisation).

job vacancy data sharing standards - subset of HR-XML

HR-XML is cited in the UK Government Interoperability Framework for public sector information sharing, eGif.

Published: June 2010

State of the Art: Agile & Mobile Working - Executive Summary

This is the Executive Summary of a report commissioned from TWICT by the North East Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership.

#tdc10 Tweets/Blogs/Articles on Thinking Digital 2010, the North East's annual international technology & ideas conference

Steve Clayton, @SteveCla, of Microsoft Rain Ashford, @RainRabbit, of the BBC Sarah Platt, @Kinura, Founder of Kinura UK (our webstreaming company).

Published: March 2010

Plugged in and connected?

A look at who's (not) connected to the internet, June 2009, as part of the 'Where do you Think You're Going?' event.

e-Government Excellence Awards Press Release (2005)

e-Government Excellence Awards Press Release (2005)

Interactive TV services launch Press Release 2004

Interactive TV services launch Press Release 2004

Joined up Jobs (2006-2006)

Joined up Jobs (2006-2006)

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Published: February 2010

How can Universities and Business work together to produce more “industry ready” graduates to ensure the growth of the digital s

Followed by Andrew Parella Chief Software Architect, Eutechnyx - the biggest independent UK videogame developers.

Published: December 2007

Connexions vacancy system is e-government award finalist

Finalists include a great diversity and spread of excellence in e-Government and public sector services right across the UK.