Tag: Facebook

6 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Web 2.0 Presentation

At its meeting on 13th December, the Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership discussed the concepts, strengths, opportunities and threats posed by Web2.0 technologies (such as Facebook, Meebo, Zoho and Flickr – to name a few), and their potential impact on Council strategies.

Councils to save millions by putting job vacancies online

We have adopted an open standard format – you will even be able to find jobs on Facebook and Twitter.”

Wi-Fi access in north east public sector buildings

Provided as a guide for colleagues visiting from other organisations.

sources of IT Careers information for young people

Dynamo North East North East IT industry cluster

Web 2.0 gurus to talk at Think and a Drink - register now!

In turn businesses are being impacted in innumerable ways – from reducing costs on expensive infrastructure to reducing productivity with Facebook.