Tag: ICT Partnership

12 occurrences
Occurrence Published

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

Tyne & Wear ICT Partnership Meeting 8th January 2009

The next meeting of the Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership (TWICT) will be held at 10am on Thursday 8th January in a Committee Room at Gateshead Civic Centre.

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Web 2.0 Presentation

At its meeting on 13th December, the Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership discussed the concepts, strengths, opportunities and threats posed by Web2.0 technologies (such as Facebook, Meebo, Zoho and Flickr – to name a few), and their potential impact on Council strategies.

Tyne & Wear ICT Partnership Meeting 13th December 2007

The next meeting of TWICT will be held at 10am on Thursday 13th December at Gateshead Civic Centre

Annual General Meeting 2010

The Partners of the Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership met yesterday (11th March) for its first AGM under its renewed Partnership Agreement.

Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership meeting 13th November 2008

The next meeting of the Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership (TWICT) will be held at 10am on Thursday 13th November in a Committee Room at Gateshead Civic Centre. ******************************************************* Important Information This e-mail and its attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.

ShiNE-y Happy People

The Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership has submitted an entry ‘A Replicable Model for Successful Joint Working’ to the Partnership Category of the ShiNE Awards 2008.

Community Maps: Digital and Social Geographies of Great Britain

Visit http://www.gps.communities.gov.uk/DigitalInclusion/ or for further information, email (Address removed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham Jordan Partnership Analyst Tyneand Wear ICT Partnership c\o ICT Services, GatesheadCouncil, Civic Centre Regent Street, GatesheadNE8 1HH www.twict.gov.uk (Address removed) tel. 0191 433 3790 mob. 07960 839 240

Conference Notification: IT in the Community: The Importance of t he Use of Digital Technology and Innovation to Promote Soci...

. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham Jordan Partnership Analyst Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership c\o ICT Services, GatesheadCouncil, Civic Centre Regent Street, GatesheadNE8 1HH

State of the Art: Agile & Mobile Working - Executive Summary

This is the Executive Summary of a report commissioned from TWICT by the North East Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership.

Plugged in and connected?

A look at who's (not) connected to the internet, June 2009, as part of the 'Where do you Think You're Going?' event.