6 occurrences
Occurrence Published

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

Chair's Review of 2012-13

Discussions around using Northumberland’s SharePoint implementation as a regional collaboration platform Discussions around using Gateshead’s Policy Enforcer solution Responding to external requests to support key systems To grow, share and develop knowledge, experience, skills and professionalism within the ICT community Electronic Document Management group established Salary Survey undertaken for SOCITMNE BYOD workshops held and experience and policies shared Web Managers group established BCS membership discount brokered for employees Shared strategies and technology plans To maximise opportunities for jointly procuring ICT goods and services Future joint working paper developed Regional PSN workshops facilitated Consideration of NEPO regional ICT Category Board proposal Considered a Socitm Insight “7 for 5” Partnership subscription offer To help shape the use of ICT in the North East for the benefit of the residents, people who work here and those who visit the region.

news from April TWICT meeting

It was decided that as the four years period funded through the TWICT project had come to an end, TWICT should cease its involvement with kiosks, directing further communication to NEPO and Kiosk lead officers in each district.

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)