Tag: Joint Working

14 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Chair's review 2008-2009

Chair's review 2008-2009

Chair's review 2009-2010

Nine Partnership meetings were held, along with specially convened workshops and meetings of the sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology.

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

ShiNE-y Happy People

The Tyne and Wear ICT Partnership has submitted an entry ‘A Replicable Model for Successful Joint Working’ to the Partnership Category of the ShiNE Awards 2008.

TWICT Sub Groups

Following the success of the Security Group, TWICT decided to establish a series of sub groups that would support joint working by providing forums for middle managers from similar work areas to come together to: · act as peer support groups · share and develop knowledge, experience, skills and grow professionalism · maximise opportunities for jointly procuring ICT goods and services · develop new, and exploit existing, ICT trends and developments to progress the modernising government agenda Private online facilities to supporting communication within the groups at http://www.govx.org.uk/ enable interested parties within the TWICT community to participate in the group activities whilst not needing to attend meetings.

Chair's review 2007-2008

Chair's review 2007-2008

Chair’s Review of 2008/2009

. · Finances remain secure - 2008/9 was the second year of an agreed 5 year plan including reduced partner contributions, and a healthy balance remained available to support new collaborative work. · Significant progress was made with many areas of the work programme, whilst a small number of initiatives stumbled due to factors outside our control. · 9 Partnership meetings were held, along with meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology.

2013/14 - review of NEICT's Year

Specially convened workshops and meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology were also held.

2013/14 - review of NEICT's Year

Specially convened workshops and meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology were also held.

Chair's Review of 2012-13

Specially convened workshops and meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology were also held.

Chair's review 2010 - 2011

Specially convened workshops and meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology were also held.

TWICT Partnership Activities 2010-2011

Agile and mobile working for RIEP Supporting investment of £750,000 in ICT solutions across the region to prove the business case for agile and mobile working.

Chair's review 2011-2012

Tom suggested that more on PSN, collaboration and working more closely together would form part of the Partnership’s ongoing work.

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)