Dynamo North East
North East IT industry cluster
W: https://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk
Careers factsheet: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Dynamo-Fact-Sheet.pdf
Big data based real time careers information
Https://technorth.careerhacker.uk ...built in Sunderland!
Careers in IT, Internet and Telecoms
From Plotr
Tech for life
Tech for Life aims to introduce people of all ages, skill-sets and backgrounds to the fundamentals of computer programming, digital skills and STEAM, breaking down barriers and providing opportunities for all.
How do I get a career in Games development?
W: http://gameindustry.about.com/od/careers/a/How-Do-You-Get-A-Job-In-The-Game-Industry-Part-1.htm
W: http://www.gamecareerguide.com/features/475/parents_faqs_about_game_development.php
Where to share stuff you've done
Skills for the Information Age
There are over 100 job roles recognised within the IT industry, from sales, project management and managing suppliers to information security, service desk and support, and corporate IT strategy. The SFIA Skills for the Information Age tool identifies and describes these in detail. You can see a partial snapshot of the job role descriptors at http://www.seeracloud.com/seera/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SFIA-Chart-Snapshot-04-1024x761.png.
W: http://www.sfia-online.org/en
The take on of Apprentices continues to attract a lot of publicity. However, setting up an apprentice scheme is not easy. We must make it easier for businesses, particularly small enterprises, to take on apprentices. Setting up an apprenticeship programme is a major undertaking that few small businesses have the scale to address, which is why Dynamo is working to develop the North East IT Apprentice Hub. In setting up this Hub we will be working closely with e-Skills and the National Apprentice Service to help to streamline the process for recruiting and make it easier for small IT businesses to take on apprentices.
Register your interest here
W: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/ourwork/work-apprenticeships/#.VjtcDnknyig
e-Skills Careers Information
Initiatives on digital skills for young people
A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.
Digital skills is one of the core threads of Dynamo North East (www.dynamonortheast.co.uk) which is seeking to grow the North East's IT economy.
W: https://neict.jiglu.org/spaces/neictpublic/knowledge/initiatives-on-digital-skills-for-young-people
TechFuture Careers
quiz, information on the different entry-level job roles in tech, profiles from other companies that employ tech people, and information on the routes in to tech from the ages of 16, 18 and 21+.
National Careers Service
Information, advice and guidance about careers
W: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx T: 0800 100 900
Ladies who Code
Groups of women who meet up monthly to talk about coding
W: http://www.ladieswhocode.com/
Women in Technology
A job board advertising vacancies in companies committed to increasing the number of female technologists working for them
W: http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/
International mentoring group of women who use the Python programming language
Support and advice to aspiring and established software businesses in the North East of England – including a jobs board
W: http://www.sunderlandsoftwarecity.com/
Coders Academy
Social enterprise aiming to find and train developers in the North East
W: http://thecodersacademy.com/
Girls who Code
Organisation providing computer science education to young women
W: http://www.girlswhocode.com/about-us/
Sector Skills Council for ICT in the UK
W: http://www.e-skills.com/ T: 0207 963 8920
The National Skills Academy for IT
Employer led organisation promoting excellence in IT learning and development
The Chartered Institute for IT
Skills Framework for the Information Age
Defining a common language for IT skills and competencies
W: http://www.sfia-online.org/
Computer training for Microsoft products and technologies
W: www.microsoft.com/learning
GO ON you can do IT
An e-skills initiative to assess your current online skills and access learning materials
W: http://go-onyoucandoit.co.uk/
Digital Union
A digital and creative commercial network of businesses throughout the North East, including a job search section
Digital Skills.com
A space for asking questions about ICT, and sharing resources, events and more
Big Ambition
Raising the profile of IT as a career choice (e-skills)
Cyber Security Challenge UK Ltd
Learn more about jobs in Cyber Security
W: https://cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk/careers-faqs.php
Institution of Analysis and Programmers (IAP)
Professional body, useful careers information section
W: www.iap.org.uk T: 020 8567 2118