Tag: Sunderland Software City
Occurrence | Published | |
Sunderland Software CitySunderland Software City is a major regional project to create a sustainable and globally competitive software industry in the North East of England. |
IT Careers / Skills PipelineBeta version, developed for Dynamo North East |
Secret Millionaire headlines latest Girl Geeks event | Sunderland Software Citywww.sunderlandsoftwarecity.com |
The Future of Broadband: In case you missed it! | Sunderland Software Citywww.sunderlandsoftwarecity.com |
Come along (free) to The Future of Broadband event to be informed, inspired and take a glimpse into the future!Run by Codeworks as part of the Sunderland Software City initiative and sponsored by NorthernNet. |
sources of IT Careers information for young peopleW: www.techfuturecareers.com National Careers Service Information, advice and guidance about careers W: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx T: 0800 100 900 Ladies who Code Groups of women who meet up monthly to talk about coding W: http://www.ladieswhocode.com/ Women in Technology A job board advertising vacancies in companies committed to increasing the number of female technologists working for them W: http://www.womenintechnology.co.uk/ Pyladies International mentoring group of women who use the Python programming language W: http://www.pyladies.com/ Sunderland Software City Support and advice to aspiring and established software businesses in the North East of England – including a jobs board W: http://www.sunderlandsoftwarecity.com/ Coders Academy Social enterprise aiming to find and train developers in the North East W: http://thecodersacademy.com/ Girls who Code Organisation providing computer science education to young women W: http://www.girlswhocode.com/about-us/ e-skills Sector Skills Council for ICT in the UK W: http://www.e-skills.com/ T: 0207 963 8920 The National Skills Academy for IT Employer led organisation promoting excellence in IT learning and development W: www.itskillsacademy.ac.uk BCS The Chartered Institute for IT W: http://www.bcs.org/ Skills Framework for the Information Age Defining a common language for IT skills and competencies W: http://www.sfia-online.org/ Microsoft Learning Computer training for Microsoft products and technologies W: www.microsoft.com/learning GO ON you can do IT An e-skills initiative to assess your current online skills and access learning materials W: http://go-onyoucandoit.co.uk/ Digital Union A digital and creative commercial network of businesses throughout the North East, including a job search section W: http://digiunion.co.uk/ Digital Skills.com A space for asking questions about ICT, and sharing resources, events and more W: http://digitalskills.com/ Big Ambition Raising the profile of IT as a career choice (e-skills) W: www.bigambition.co.uk Cyber Security Challenge UK Ltd Learn more about jobs in Cyber Security W: https://cybersecuritychallenge.org.uk/careers-faqs.php Institution of Analysis and Programmers (IAP) Professional body, useful careers information section W: www.iap.org.uk T: 020 8567 2118 Jobsites http://www.itjobswatch.co.uk/ http://www.computerweekly.com/ http://www.computing.co.uk/ http://www.bcsrecruit.com/ http://www.theitjobboard.co.uk/ http://www.cwjobs.co.uk/ http://www.sharperecruitment.co.uk/ http://www.telecomsjobsource.co.uk/ |