Tag: Sunderland Software City

6 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Sunderland Software City

Sunderland Software City is a major regional project to create a sustainable and globally competitive software industry in the North East of England.

IT Careers / Skills Pipeline

Beta version, developed for Dynamo North East

Secret Millionaire headlines latest Girl Geeks event | Sunderland Software City


The Future of Broadband: In case you missed it! | Sunderland Software City


Come along (free) to The Future of Broadband event to be informed, inspired and take a glimpse into the future!

Run by Codeworks as part of the Sunderland Software City initiative and sponsored by NorthernNet.

sources of IT Careers information for young people

Dynamo North East North East IT industry cluster W: https://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk Careers factsheet: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Dynamo-Fact-Sheet.pdf Big data based real time careers information Https://technorth.careerhacker.uk ...built in Sunderland!