Tag: Gjordan

16 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Wi-Fi access in north east public sector buildings

Provided as a guide for colleagues visiting from other organisations.

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud"

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud" Privacy Europe Guide: www.privacy-europe.com ICO guide to preparing for the GDPR...

IT Careers / Skills Pipeline

Beta version, developed for Dynamo North East

Start to run a Code Club

a guide for ICT staff in organisations in the north east

volunteer and start to run a Code Club

Attached is information for potential Code Club volunteers in ICT companies in the North East of England.

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Using advanced search and RSS for web discovery

At last weeks SOCITM Spring Conference I was discussing the tools I use to drive @shineynews on Twitter (www.twitter.com).

Business Cards, QR Codes and vCard files

An account of explorations into putting QR codes onto business cards in advance of #tdc12

State of the Art: Agile & Mobile Working - Executive Summary

This is the Executive Summary of a report commissioned from TWICT by the North East Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership.

Plugged in and connected?

A look at who's (not) connected to the internet, June 2009, as part of the 'Where do you Think You're Going?' event.

Chair's review 2008-2009

Chair's review 2008-2009

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Web 2.0 Presentation (2007)

Chair's review 2007-2008

Chair's review 2007-2008