Tag: Joined

6 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Joined up Jobs (2006-2006)

Joined up Jobs (2006-2006)

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

job vacancy data sharing standards - subset of HR-XML

Long term, the governance of the Joined Up Jobs Vacancy Schema should be picked up by the HR-XML consortium and Joined up Jobs be recognised as best practice and made mandatory by local government on a national basis through its inclusion in eGif.

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Chair's review 2007-2008

Chair's review 2007-2008