Tag: Nexus

14 occurrences
Occurrence Published

SHiNE Awards Submission (2007)

A replicable model for successful joint working

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Kiosks and Service Portal (2004-2008)

Kiosk launch publicity materials March 2004

Kiosk launch publicity materials March 2004

Wi-Fi access in north east public sector buildings

Provided as a guide for colleagues visiting from other organisations.

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Stakeholder Briefing (2007)

Chair's review 2008-2009

Chair's review 2008-2009

Publicity Materials August 2004

Bus-side Streetline Panels In-bus Cove Cards Mtero Station Posters A3 Posters Power Point Presentations for use in Reception Areas Information Leaflet

Interactive TV services launch Press Release 2004

Interactive TV services launch Press Release 2004

Chair’s Review of 2015/2016

Meetings were throughout Partners’ offices, at Northumberland Fire and Rescue HQ, Nexus and at Ramside Hall Hotel near Durham.

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

Modernising Services in Tyne and Wear: self-service kiosks, interactive digital TV and other self service channels (2004-2008)

Chair’s Review of 2008/2009

Neil Lee replaced David Morton as Nexus representative. · Finances remain secure - 2008/9 was the second year of an agreed 5 year plan including reduced partner contributions, and a healthy balance remained available to support new collaborative work. · Significant progress was made with many areas of the work programme, whilst a small number of initiatives stumbled due to factors outside our control. · 9 Partnership meetings were held, along with meetings of our sub groups, enabling heads of IT and middle managers to share good practice, explore joint working and mutual support, and keep track of developments in policy and technology.

Chair's review of 2016/17

Extending our Partnership to include Stockton and Darlington Councils through Xentrall as an Associate Partner and renewing our relations with Nexus have proved to be beneficial developments.

Annual General Meeting 2010

Associate status was confirmed for Durham and Northumberland County Councils, One NorthEast (Regional Development Agency) and Nexus (Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive). for more information contact TWICT's Partnership Analyst, (Address removed)

Chair's review 2011-2012

Tom thanked colleagues for their continued enthusiasm and support, in particular colleagues from our Associate Partners Durham County Council, Northumberland County Council and Nexus.