Tag: young people

7 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: June 2018

39,000 tech workers in the north east

This e-mail and its attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.

Published: November 2016

sources of IT Careers information for young people

Register your interest here W: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/ourwork/work-apprenticeships/#.VjtcDnknyig e-Skills Careers Information W:http://www.e-skills.com/careers/ Initiatives on digital skills for young people A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Published: February 2016

DynamoNorthEast IT initiatives that may be of interest to schools

However there are a range of activities both in school and outside school that young people of primary and secondary school age may be interested in.

Published: January 2015

IT skills in the North East

January 2015 update on Dynamo Noth East's skills workstream. see also www.dynamonortheast.co.uk

Published: April 2014

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Published: September 2008

Sunderland Software City

In addition it will engage with the community through an extensive education programme that will span schools, FE and HE and will encourage young people to see the software industry as an attractive career that will be rewarding both financially and intellectually and which will allow them to build their future in the North East region.