16 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: September 2022

Start here today to help your business survive a Cyber Incident tomorrow

New to Cyber? Do you manage a non-tech business, school or charity? Could you survive a cyber attack?

Published: February 2018

NEICT launches aid to Local cyber resilience strategy development

neict.org ******************************* Important Information This e-mail and its attachments may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.

Published: April 2017

NEICT and ISnortheast websites

We’re currently having problems.Please use neict.wordpress.com in the meantime.

Published: March 2017

Chair's review of 2016/17

I believe that the NEICT has a role to play in developing and supporting ICT across the region and that we have the will and determination within the group to make a difference.

Published: November 2016

sources of IT Careers information for young people

Register your interest here W: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/ourwork/work-apprenticeships/#.VjtcDnknyig e-Skills Careers Information W:http://www.e-skills.com/careers/ Initiatives on digital skills for young people A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Published: April 2016

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud"

Further links and slides from "Enabling Safe Business: a closer look at cloud" Privacy Europe Guide: www.privacy-europe.com ICO guide to preparing for the GDPR...

Published: March 2016

Chair’s Review of 2015/2016

At its AGM, NEICT Chair Phil Jackman presented his review of the year: I have now been Chair of the Partnership for over three years.

Published: February 2016

DynamoNorthEast IT initiatives that may be of interest to schools

Further information at: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/general-news/women/#.VrtK3nncuig General Information and key contacts: http://www.dynamonortheast.co.uk/general-news/introducing-graham-jordan-dynamos-skills-work-stream/#.VrtIO3ncuig School Heads and Business Managers might also be interested in attending NEICT’s ‘Enabling Safe Business – a closer look at cloud’ event on 18th March.

Published: March 2015

Chair's review 2014/15

I believe that the NEICT has a role to play in developing and supporting ICT across the region and that we have the will and determination within the group to make a difference.

Published: April 2014

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

initiatives on digital skills for young people

A briefing produced for NEICT following discussions around digital skills in the region, in particular for young people.

Published: March 2014

2013/14 - review of NEICT's Year

Discussions around making it easier for employees to work in another council’s buildings through guest Wi-Fi Attended a number of events to ensure relevance of our activities and to identify opportunities for the region: NELEP Review and AGM Thinking Digital Conference Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum Gateway to Opportunity Event in Sunderland NorthumbriaUniversity Innovation Sandpit I believe that the NEICT has a role to play in developing and supporting ICT across the region and that we have the will and determination within the group to make a difference.

2013/14 - review of NEICT's Year

Discussions around making it easier for employees to work in another council’s buildings through guest Wi-Fi Attended a number of events to ensure relevance of our activities and to identify opportunities for the region: NELEP Review and AGM Thinking Digital Conference Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum Gateway to Opportunity Event in Sunderland NorthumbriaUniversity Innovation Sandpit I believe that the NEICT has a role to play in developing and supporting ICT across the region and that we have the will and determination within the group to make a difference.

Published: April 2013

Chair's Review of 2012-13

Discussions around potential of Satellite Broadband Discussions about a regional Open Data competition Discussions around making it easier for employees to work in another council’s buildings through guest Wi-Fi Organising to include Partners’ outsourced providers Public Health transition Welfare reform I believe that the NEICT has a role to play in developing and supporting ICT across the region and that we have the will and determination within the group to make a difference.

Published: May 2012

Business Cards, QR Codes and vCard files

An account of explorations into putting QR codes onto business cards in advance of #tdc12

Published: December 2011

Twitter name change to @neict

Our Twitter account name has changed to @neict to reflect the wider membership of the North Eastern ICT Partnership.