Tag: Socitm Members

2 occurrences
Occurrence Published

SOCITM North East

The North East region has more than 60 SOCITM members representing around 30 organisations (councils, housing providers, national government agencies, academia, health and emergency services and their suppliers) that between them employ upto 2,000 ICT professionals and influence a significant amount of ICT spending.

Codeworks NE IT Manager Network presents Connectivity

.>> Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm including networking, drinks and nibbles Date: 1st May Location: Onyx, Business Continuity Centre,Onyx House, Colmet Court, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0SD Cost: Free to NE IT Manager Network and Socitm Members, £10 non-members An exclusive conversation with fellow IT Managers about networking covering topics such as LAN, WAN, VoIP, 3G and mobile working.