Chair’s Review of 2007/8

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Roy Sheehan gave an overview of Partnership activities in the past year.

  • 2007/2008 has been a year of change.  Administration of the partnership has transferred from South Tyneside to Gateshead, three partners’ representatives have changed and a further three will be changing in the first months of 2008/2009.
  • TWICT secured its medium term finances, as a 5 year plan was agreed, alongside reduced contributions for full members.
  • Significant progress was made with most areas of the work programme; only small number of initiatives stumbled due to factors outside our control. 
  • New sub groups were formed.
  • A wide range of regional, policy, and strategic issues were discussed and a number of potential collaborations / shared services explored.
  • Significant challenges that will face us in the coming year, include settling in new representatives; a likely strategic partner for South Tyneside; a new regional efficiency and improvement regime; the conclusion of Job Evaluation and continuing pressure to identify efficiencies.
  • Thanks were expressed to departing colleagues Steve Williams and Susan Winslow, colleagues in South Tyneside and Gateshead Finance and ICT services, Chris Foreman for supporting the website and Graham Jordan, the Partnership Analyst.

A full copy of the review will be made available at